Vacuum sealers don’t save you money if your vacuum sealer bag rolls cost a fortune – but high quality is a must. Here’s how to get a bargain price without sacrificing quality.

Why I Love These Bag Rolls
This will be a very short post because it doesn’t take long to explain this. In my opinion, and based on experience, the Wevac bag rolls pictured above are your best buy for both price and quality.
The material of these bag rolls is designed for channel vacuum sealers like those reviewed on this site (see channel vacuum sealer chart here). I use these bag rolls with the FoodSaver FM2100 (read my review here or go here to see it on Amazon).
These bag rolls are an excellent choice for four reasons:
- The bag material is high quality so you can make good, tight seals, and the bags will hold up well in your freezer.
- Bag rolls are offered in 4 sizes to meet every need.
- For all sizes, the box containing the bag roll has a built-in cutter that is super convenient.
- The price is very reasonable.
If you have a bag cutter on your vacuum sealer you know what a help that is. Besides being convenient, it enables you to get a nice, straight cut, and that straight cut makes it much easier to get a clean, tight seal on your bag.
The 4 sizes available are:
- 11 inches by 150 feet
- 8 inches by 150 feet
- a combo pack containing 2 bag rolls, one 8 inches by 100 feet and the other 11 inches by 100 feet

Vacuum Sealer Bag Rolls by Wevac
What are the drawbacks?
I can only think of two drawbacks. To me these are non-issues, but you might disagree so just be aware:
- No matter which size you choose, these are long rolls which makes them big in diameter. If your vacuum sealer has space for internal storage of bag rolls, these rolls are not going to fit. They are much too big around.
- Again, because these are very long bag rolls, the box that holds them is large, so it’s going to take up significant space in your cabinet or on a pantry shelf. That might matter if you have limited cabinet space, but your only other choice is to order small rolls on a regular basis. I’d rather have plenty on hand all the time, but of course that’s a matter of personal preference.
The Bottom Line
For my personal needs these Wevac rolls are just the perfect solution. I get the quality I need at a price that helps me save money. Storage space is not an issue for me because I want to always have plenty of bags on hand. I never know when I might find a super bargain and want to stock up, especially when I shop manager specials. These bag rolls meet all the requirements on my checklist.
If all this sounds good to you, check them out on Amazon. Click the image below, and all sizes are shown on the same page. Just select which size you want before you order.

Wevac Food Vacuum Seal Roll Keeper with Cutter
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